You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

What Are You Waiting For? by Jill CelesteRecently, I was on a mastermind call with my Faith Keepers, and my friend Jen said: “What are you waiting for?”

Jen was referring to a conversation she was having with a client, and after she asked this question, it dawned on us how relevant this question is.

What ARE you waiting for?

Limitless clients, wealth, health, love – it’s out there for the taking.

What’s stopping us from taking it?

Let’s examine this question a little further in this week’s marketing strategy.



I love to create graphics that enhance the learning in my weekly marketing strategies. Please feel free to share these on your social media!

If you’re waiting for a straight entrepreneurial path, you may as well wait for it to snow in Hell, too. - Jill Celeste


I’ve coached countless clients over the years, and a mindset block I often see is this: We are waiting for “something” before we can proceed with what we need to do.

Often, it’s permission. Sometimes, it’s something specific, like our website being up.

More often than not, it’s our Ego, screaming in our head to “Stop! Stop! Stop!”

Let’s break down some of the reasons behind “what we are waiting for,” and how we can move on, stop waiting, and be more visible in the marketplace.

This before that

In her book, Playing Big, Tara Mohr specifies numerous ways women hide in their businesses. She classifies one of these ways as “this before that.”

I can’t go to a networking meeting (this) before my business cards are printed (that).

I can’t make a video (this) before I buy a nice camera (that).

I can’t reach out to this sales prospect (this) before I’ve written out my packages and pricing (that).

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing: You don’t need “that” to proceed with “this.” This is your Ego, trying to keep you in safe, small place. Tell your Ego to buzz off, take imperfect action, and proceed with “this.”

Waiting for the perfect conditions

Somehow, we have it in our heads that perfect conditions exist. This is especially true when we need to get more visible in our businesses.

We wait for the perfect networking meeting…

We wait for the perfect elevator speech…

We wait for the perfect speaking opportunity…

How about you just go to a networking meeting, take imperfect action on your elevator speech, or just say yes to the speaking opportunity and make the best of it?

Perfection doesn’t exist, which means perfect conditions don’t exist either. Again, this is the work of your Ego. Take imperfect action and keep moving.

Everything must go in a straight line

For my linear thinkers out there, this one is hard. It goes against your grain. You instinctively think from A to B to C to D.

Here’s the thing (and this is super important): Business and marketing are not linear. Nothing happens in a straight line.

It appears more like a toddler’s drawing with loops, dead ends, and scratch marks.

If you’re waiting for a straight entrepreneurial path, you may as well wait for it to snow in Hell, too.

Not. Going. To Happen.

Relax your control enthusiast clench on the process and do your best to “sit back and enjoy the ride.” Much like a roller coaster, you’ll scream and laugh often in the same hour.

So, what are you waiting for? I invite you to write it all down – the this before thats, the perfect conditions, and the straight lines. Then, release them all and get going. No more waiting. No more hiding. The world needs you and your Gifts (now). I’m rooting for you, and I know you can do this!

Want more inspiration?

Imagine getting a little inspirational note every day – one that’s catered to you as a spiritual, change-making female entrepreneur…

Just a little boost – a little motivation – a little note that reminds you of your power and awesomeness.

That’s the idea behind “Celestial Love Notes” – a daily inspirational note from me, delivered right to your inbox!

I would be honored to send you my Celestial Love Notes – sign up here:

Let’s face it: We need more love, joy, and promise in this world. I am proud that my Celestial Love Notes can play a small part in this mission.

Click here to get Celestial Love Notes by Jill Celeste


Hi, I’m Jill Celeste. I teach purpose-driven entrepreneurs (just like you) everything you need to know about marketing so you can become the Director of Marketing for your business.

Because when you put your Director of Marketing hat squarely on your head, marketing is your number one priority (which will result in more clients!).

When I am not teaching about marketing, you’ll find me hanging out with my husband or my sons, loving up my two cats, or feeding the backyard ducks (much to my neighbor’s chagrin). I am an avid reader of literary fiction and personal development books. And I like to talk to my sweet basset hound, Emma, who left this earthly plane on October 17, 2019.