You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

Book review of Playing Big by Tara MohrIf I had to designate “required reading” for female entrepreneurs, Playing Big by Tara Mohr would be on the list.

Women entrepreneurs are the changemakers the world needs right now.

However, we have been conditioned to not make noise, to be polite, and to question our knowledge.

It’s our job, as female changemakers, to recognize these patterns and work through them. And it can be done if you follow the advice outlined in Playing Big.

Playing Big is the playbook on how to speak up and lead. And Mohr expertly navigates her readers through these waters by focusing on topics, such as:

  • Your Inner Critic
  • Your Inner Mentor
  • Fear
  • Criticism and Praise
  • Good-Student Habits
  • Hiding
  • Leaping

Mohr provides exercises (from guided meditations to journal prompts) to help you combat what’s holding you back. These exercises are thought-provoking – but not in a scary way.

If you are want to bust through your mindset blocks as a female entrepreneur, run (don’t walk!) out and get a copy of Playing Big today. This book will transform your life – and business.

My big takeaways:

#1: I am attached to praise and criticism.

One of the big mindset blocks I am working through is a fear of criticism or making someone unhappy. I am a people pleaser (reforming!), and the desire to not upset someone affects how I market my business. Specifically, I am afraid of personal attacks. I pride myself in being a “nice person,” and as an empath, a personal attack rattles me to my core.

Nevertheless, I have to bust through this mindset block because I am here to play a bigger game. I am here to change lives. And that means I will rock the boat.

I am working on understanding this: As a changemaker, I will be criticized on my journey. It’s not a matter of if – it’s a matter of when. I am glad to have Playing Big at my disposal to help me navigate this situation when it happens.

#2: I am a professional hider.

In Playing Big, Mohr lists six ways that women hide:

  1. This before that
  2. Designing at the whiteboard
  3. Overcomplicating and endless polishing
  4. Collecting and curating someone else’s ideas
  5. Omitting your own story
  6. I need the degree…

As you read this list, did you first think “wait, that’s not hiding?!” These hiding tactics are so ingrained in our lives; we don’t even recognize them for what they are.

Know this: These are all diversions. And we have to cut this shit out. You with me?

How Playing Big relates to entrepreneurs

I know I’ve already said this, but it bears repeating:

Playing Big is a must-read for female entrepreneurs. It calls out our shit (in a loving, gentle way), shows us how to bust through our mindset blocks, and leaves you feeling empowered.

Honestly, it’s the book I wish I had written. Nonetheless, I am glad Tara Mohr wrote it so I can use it to play a bigger game with my business.

And if you’re ready to take up more space, to make more meaningful noise, and to play a bigger game, then get your copy of Playing Big today. You will not regret it. (  )

Grab a copy of Playing Big (this is an affiliate link).

Want more inspiration?

Imagine getting a little inspirational note every day – one that’s catered to you as a spiritual, change-making female entrepreneur…

Just a little boost – a little motivation – a little note that reminds you of your power and awesomeness.

That’s the idea behind “Celestial Love Notes” – a daily inspirational note from me, delivered right to your inbox!

I would be honored to send you my Celestial Love Notes – sign up here:

Let’s face it: We need more love, joy, and promise in this world. I am proud that my Celestial Love Notes can play a small part in this mission.

Click here to get Celestial Love Notes by Jill Celeste


Hi, I’m Jill Celeste. I teach purpose-driven entrepreneurs (just like you) everything you need to know about marketing so you can become the Director of Marketing for your business.

Because when you put your Director of Marketing hat squarely on your head, marketing is your number one priority (which will result in more clients!).

When I am not teaching about marketing, you’ll find me hanging out with my husband or my teenage boys, or taking a nap with my basset hound, Emma. I also like to play with my two kittens and feed the backyard ducks (much to my neighbor’s chagrin).

If you’re feeling alone in your entrepreneurial journey, I invite you to check out my monthly membership group, The Celestial Circle. Affordable, loving, supportive, informative, and fun – that’s how we roll in The Celestial Circle. We would love to welcome you!

Click here to learn more about The Celestial Circle