About Jill Celeste
Hi, I’m Jill Celeste, founder of Virtual Networkers.
I started Virtual Networkers in 2018 (yes, before the pandemic!) because I wanted to network from home.
I am a low-energy introvert who loves networking. But in-person networking was wearing me out. The commute, small talk, heavy meals, energy of the room–it was a lot for me. I had to nap for hours to recuperate.
At that time, I was a marketing coach, and I used a webcam and Zoom all the time to connect with clients.
I wondered, “Why can’t I network through Zoom?”
So, I sent out an email to my list, inviting them to my Zoom room on a Friday morning, and that was our first Virtual Networkers meeting.
I am proud of how Virtual Networkers has evolved into a sanctuary and community for women entrepreneurs across the globe. Our unofficial tagline is “come for the networking, stay for the sisterhood.” We truly are more than a networking group; we are sisterhood of powerful women entrepreneurs!
I would be honored to network and connect with you. Please be a guest and discover the magic of Virtual Networkers!

Other interesting things about me:
- I am married to Richard and the mom to two adult sons.
- My youngest son is serving in the U.S . Marine Corps.
- I also am the mom to four pets, all of whom are named after characters from HBO’s Deadwood. We have two basset hounds, Trixie and Ellsworth, and two cats, Jane and Mr. Wu.
- I am obsessed with flamingos.
- I use butterflies in my marketing in memory of my dad.
- I have a fantastic sense of humor and a hearty, loud laugh.
- I love to read. I have more books than time.
- I also love to write. I have authored two books, That First Client: Find and Attract Your First Ideal Client and Loud Woman: Good-bye-Inner Good Girl!
- I believe in the Law of Attraction, Archangel Gabriel, God, The Universe, peace, joy and love. I am a snowflake, tree hugger, and pacifist.
- I am an entrepreneurial cheerleader. I believe in you, even when you don’t.
- I believe we should all be amazingly compensated for our Divine Gifts.
Money is energy! - I love you. Even though we may not have met, I am beaming love to you right now. That’s how I roll.