Do you have trouble figuring out why your marketing is not working? You are networking, writing emails, managing a Facebook group, posting to Instagram, doing coffee dates—and none of it seems to be working. When it comes time to get a client, you hear crickets. So,...
General Marketing
4 Ways To Know It’s Time To Raise Your Prices
How do you know when it’s time to raise your prices? It can be tricky, right? You want to be compensated for your time, energy, and expertise, but you may be concerned that your clients will pay your new, higher prices. Or perhaps the Imposter Syndrome is raging in...
The Best Advice I’ve Ever Received As A Coach
Can I share with you the best advice I ever received as a coach? It was given to me by my former business mentor, Fabienne Fredrickson. Not only was Fabienne my mentor, I worked for Fabienne for several years, coaching her Boldheart growth students through one-to-one...
My New Webpage That’s Getting Lots of Clicks
I recently created a new webpage on Celestial University that’s getting a lot of clicks! I wanted to share how and why I created this webpage—in case you’d like to benchmark this idea for your own marketing. I’m one of those entrepreneurs with a lot of offerings....
5 Lessons I Learned From My Recent Virtual Networkers Promotion
In mid-November, I ran a promotion to attract at least five new members to Virtual Networkers (my virtual networking group for women entrepreneurs), and wow, did I learn some valuable lessons! My money mindset mentor Denise Duffield-Thomas teaches us that no launch is...
Get the 2023 Business Planning Workbook
Do you have your 2023 marketing and business development planned out? If not, I have the workbook for you! For a limited time, you can pick up my super-popular business planning workbook! This is the exact workbook I use to lead my Celestial University students...
4 Ways To Know If You Have a Loud Woman Business
What is a Loud Woman business, exactly? Well, the cheeky side of me wants to say, “Whatever the hell you want it to be.” I know, I know, somewhat helpful. While there’s truth in creating a Loud Woman business that’s what you want it to be, I want to dig a little...
4 Ways To Quickly Increase Your Cash Flow
Do you need to increase your cash flow right away? Sometimes as entrepreneurs, we need a quick “cash infusion.” Ideally, we don’t want to operate from a “feast or famine” mode, but life isn’t perfect. And, neither are our businesses. The following four tips to...
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