Do you have trouble figuring out why your marketing is not working? You are networking, writing emails, managing a Facebook group, posting to Instagram, doing coffee dates—and none of it seems to be working. When it comes time to get a client, you hear crickets. So,...
ideal client
Attracting Clients During Inflation
In most countries around the world, prices are up, wages are down, and citizens are tightening their belts. Inflation can make things harder for small business owners, but please don’t let it discourage you. You can still attract clients during inflation. Furthermore,...
How To Write A Marketing Plan
You need a marketing plan. It’s an essential part of your job as Director of Marketing for your business. Your marketing plan is a roadmap that will help you reach your goals. Just as you wouldn’t plan a road trip to Provo, Utah, without consulting GPS, Google Maps,...
The 3 Biggest Marketing Problems To Fix Now, Part 3: Not Speaking To Your Ideal Client’s Pain Points
We are in the last part of a third-part series where Jill Celeste, founder of Celestial University, teaches you how to fix your three biggest marketing problems. To refresh your memory, here’s what Jill has discussed so far: Problem #1: Not knowing who is your ideal...
The 3 Biggest Marketing Problems To Fix Now, Part 2: Not Marketing Where Your Ideal Client Hangs Out
We are in the middle of a three-part series where Jill Celeste, founder of Celestial University, will teach you how to correct your three biggest marketing problems. Last week, in part 1, Jill taught us how to fix our first big problem: Not knowing your ideal client....
The 3 Biggest Marketing Problems To Fix Now, Part 1: Not Knowing Your Ideal Client
Over the next three weeks, Jill Celeste, founder of Celestial University, will teach you how to fix the three biggest marketing problems most entrepreneurs face. If you can fix these three marketing problems, your marketing will improve dramatically. Even though these...
The Most Important Part of Your Marketing Message
What is the most important part of your marketing message? The answer may surprise you because it has nothing to do with your services – and has everything to do with your ideal client. The most important part of your marketing message is your ideal client’s pain...
How To Get Loud With Your Marketing
2020 is the Year of Loud Women, and for female entrepreneurs, this means it is time get loud with your marketing. What exactly does “loud marketing” mean, though? What I mean by loud, in terms of marketing, is to increase your visibility in front of your ideal...

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