We are in the last part of a third-part series where Jill Celeste, founder of Celestial University, teaches you how to fix your three biggest marketing problems.
To refresh your memory, here’s what Jill has discussed so far:
- Problem #1: Not knowing who is your ideal client
- Problem #2: Not marketing where your ideal client hangs out
Now we move on to the third problem: Not speaking to your ideal client’s pain points.
Why is speaking to your ideal client’s pain points important?
Because people buy emotions. To tap into your ideal client’s emotions, you need to be aware of their pain points and how your product/service can solve their problems.
Ready to learn the best way to include pain points in your marketing? Keep reading!
Your marketing copy will improve drastically if you weave in your client’s pain points. And the best way to do this is through the Marketing Pull Question.
Pull questions are questions you ask in your marketing copy that pull your ideal clients to you. It focuses on your ideal clients’ struggles and problems, and helps them realize that you understand their predicament.
One more thing: When reading your pull questions, the answer that should always pop into your ideal client’s mind is YES.
With some practice and solid research about your ideal client, marketing pull questions are not too difficult to write.
How to write marketing pull questions
Here’s what to think of when writing your pull question:
- Spell out clearly what is your customer’s problem today (not yesterday’s problem, or tomorrow’s problem)
- Make it one idea and focus on one thing
- Stick to one sentence for this question
- Using words that evoke emotion and feeling
- Be simple and clear (this is not the time for SAT prep words!)
- Use words your ideal client says
Here are three pull question examples to get your creative juices flowing:
- Did you have high hopes on working out this morning but decided to stay in bed instead?
- Have you promised to stop yelling at your kids only to find yourself screaming at them during homework time?
- Do you want to learn more about Twitter but haven’t found the time to even start your account?
Creating an image for your reader
Now, to kick your pull questions up a notch, think about creating an image that pops up in your reader’s mind. In other words, paint a picture for your reader that reminds her of her life right now.
Check out these examples and see how they conjure up an image in your mind’s eye:
- Do you often stare at the produce section in the grocery store, wishing your kids would eat more fruits and vegetables (then end up throwing more Little Debbie snacks into your cart)?
- Are you at the breaking point of your business where you’ve thought about quitting and going back to the corporate world, even though the very thought of it makes you want to vomit?
- Do you wake up at 2am in a cold sweat because you’re worrying (again) about how you will find people to buy your products?
- Have you been desperately trying to find clients for your business to the point you’ll take anyone, even people who underpay but overwork you?
Why are these sentences even more powerful? First, they use actions words, such as stare, wish, throw, quit, vomit, worry, underpay and overwork. Secondly, they create a setting – a sense of place for your ideal client (grocery store, corporate world, middle of night in bed).
Your marketing assignments:
- Make a list of your ideal client’s pain points.
- Draft Marketing Pull Questions that include these pain points. Make sure the answer to your questions is yes.
- As you revise, be sure to use action words and create a setting.
- Share your marketing pull questions with 2-3 clients to see if you hit the mark. Revise as needed.