You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

We are in the middle of a three-part series where Jill Celeste, founder of Celestial University, will teach you how to correct your three biggest marketing problems.

Last week, in part 1, Jill taught us how to fix our first big problem: Not knowing your ideal client.

Now that you have a better idea of who your ideal client is, it’s time to tackle the next problem: Not marketing where your ideal client hangs out.

If you can address this problem, you will find amazing marketing results. You want to “fish where the fish are.” Ready to learn more? Keep reading!



Have you ever heard of the expression “fish where the fish are?” This means you want to cast your line where your ideal clients (fish) are hanging out.

Fish where the fish are

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of casting their lines where their ideal clients are not hanging out (and wonder why their marketing isn’t working).

It’s imperative that you become a fixture in those places frequented by your ideal client. To help you, I’ve compiled a list of 19 places to find your ideal clients.

Please don’t assume you know where your ideal clients are hanging out. Ask them! Use this list to help you ask the right questions.

#1: Networking Events

Networking is a great way to increase your visibility in front of your ideal clients. In addition to the networking groups you belong to, try new networking groups, especially ones outside of your city. Heading to another metropolitan area will open up more doors for you. And don’t forget about virtual networking, where you can connect with entrepreneurs from around the world.

#2: Speaking Gigs

Whether you’re speaking at a conference or at a local networking group, you are putting yourself in front of people who may be your ideal clients. Hand in hand, you are sharing your expertise, which will increase your know/like/trust factor.

#3: Conferences

I love attending conferences because it’s a great way to combine learning and networking. You can participate in conferences as an audience member, speaker, or vendor. Find out which conferences are frequented by your ideal clients and go there.

#4: Workshops

I define a workshop as a half-or full-day interactive class. You can host your own workshop or attend someone else’s. Either way, you are mixing and mingling with your ideal clients. Just like with conferences, find out which workshops your ideal clients like to go to.

#5: Classes

Classes are shorter learning opportunities – usually only an hour or two in length. Just like with workshops, you can host your own or attend someone else’s class.

#6: Webinars

Hosting a webinar is a great way to share your expertise and build your email list. Additionally, with the right offer at the end, you can convert your webinar participants into clients.

#7: Online academies

Online academies are programs offered by mentors (such as Celestial University) gather like-minded people to learn from their teachings. I am not recommending you poach clients. Instead, think of how you can complement what the mentor is teaching. For example, if the online academy is for female business owners, and you’re a copywriter, joining the academy could connect with your ideal clients – without competing with the mentor.

#8: EventBrite is a great place to search for events, such as conferences, retreats, workshops, classes, and networking mixers. If you are looking for a place to meet your ideal clients, check out EventBrite for an event near you. It’s a goldmine of information!

#9: MeetUp is another event website. Here, you can find networking opportunities, explore your city, and much more. Your ideal clients may be at a MeetUp, so check out an event and see who you find.

#10: Book Signings

If you authored a book, you should host book signings at local bookstores and libraries. What a great way to meet your ideal clients! And, if your ideal clients read a particular author, be sure to attend that author’s book signings too.

#11: Storefronts

If you sell a product, having a brick-and-mortar storefront may be a great place for you. However, if that’s cost prohibitive, check out how you can display your products in another person’s store or location. For example, if you make jewelry, can you display it at a local spa or hair salon?

#12: Online storefronts

Don’t forget the power of online storefronts, which includes your own online store as well as other people’s websites. You may sell your products on a site like Consider also posting your products on a referral partner’s website. If you sell candles, for example, can you sell your product on a florist’s website?

#13: Vendor opportunities

Setting up a table as a vendor at an industry expo, trade show, conference, and community event could be a great way to meet your ideal clients. Start out with small events, first, and see how it works for you. Make sure to have an attractive table and get ready to shake hands!

#14: Sponsorships

Sponsorships are another great way to get in front of your ideal clients. Be sure to research what events your ideal clients attend. For example, if you’re a chiropractor, sponsoring your local high school football team might be more beneficial than sponsoring a table at a church.

#15: Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are fantastic gathering places. Depending on the amount of time you have, you can host your own Facebook Group, or you can be a fixture in someone else’s group. You want to be helpful and show value in your interactions. Your ideal clients will see you as an expert that way.

#16: Social media

Yes, you can find your ideal clients on social media. The first step is to only use the social media sites that are frequented by your ideal client. Once you decide what social media site you want to use for marketing, be a fixture on that social media site and be sure to use all of its features.

#17: Inbox

You can find clients through their inboxes, specifically through email marketing. It’s true when they say “the money is in the list.” That’s because people make purchasing decisions through email. Start building your list through effective lead magnets. Send them high-quality content and sprinkle in offers to buy.

#18: Mailbox

Direct mail and “snail mail” still work for marketing! I especially love sending personal correspondence through the mail because it’s so novel nowadays. Remember, snail mail has a 100% open rate (you can’t say that about email!).

#19: Your website

Last but not least, you can find your ideal clients through your website. Keep it simple! Make sure your website has information about you, who you help, and your programs/services. Also, ensure each page of your website has a specific call to action. Don’t make people guess what to do next.

As you can see from this list, you have so many options for finding your ideal client. While this is not intended to be comprehensive list, my hope is that you’ll pick out a couple and get started. Keep track of your ROI (return on investment) and be patient with the process.

Stay tuned to next week’s blog post where I’ll outline the third biggest marketing mistake (and how to fix it). See you then!


Your Marketing Assignments:

  1. Ask your ideal clients where they “hang out.” Use this list of 19 places as a guide.
  2. Figure out how you can hang out in these places too! Become a fixture there.