How do you find the right networking organization?
Believe it or not, you don’t want to join a networking group “willy nilly.” You want to find the best networking group for your marketing objectives and energy level.
As the founder of Virtual Networkers (a global online networking organization for women entrepreneurs), I have seen some women leave our organization because they didn’t do their homework before joining us. This happens at in-person networking meetings, too.
So, what homework should you complete to select the right networking organization? Keep reading, and I’ll share some ideas with you!
Let’s tackle this question about finding the right networking group from two perspectives: marketing and energy.
#1: Marketing considerations for finding the right networking organization
Let’s face it: Most entrepreneurs network because they are looking for clients—and there’s no shame in that!
Here are some marketing questions to consider when looking for the right organization:
- Do your ideal clients and/or ideal referral partners frequent these meetings?
- Are you allowed to promote your product or service, and how can you promote it?
- Does the networking organization track referrals and what is their success rate?
#2: Let’s not forget energy!
In my last blog post about icky marketing, I broke down how masculine and feminine energies affect your marketing success. In a nutshell, some networking groups have a lot of masculine energy, evidenced by a strict structure and goal setting, while others have lots of feminine energy (shown by their collaborative model and creative time).
I invite you to think about your ideal networking group. How much masculine energy does it have? How about feminine energy? Write down what your ideal organization looks like. Use this information to help you find the right networking organization.
#3: Final considerations
In addition to marketing and energy considerations, here are some remaining items to think about:
- Can I visit the group to see if it’s the right fit? If so, how many times can I visit before I must decide on membership?
- What are the organization’s rules and policies? Networking groups typically have attendance policies, referral goals, promo guidelines, and other rules. Make sure to read them before agreeing to join.
- What is the cost to join? How many clients would you need to get to recoup your membership investment? Or, what experiences must you have to make this investment worth your while?
Please do your homework before joining a networking organization because it’s important to find the best fit for you. Furthermore, you may need to visit several organizations to find the right fit (it’s a bit like shoe shopping!).
Hopefully, the questions posed in this blog post will help. Remember: You have an open invitation to be a guest at any of the Virtual Networkers chapters (you can be a guest up to three times before deciding on membership). We would love to welcome you!
More resources
Here are some other resources that will help you with your marketing and mindset:
My book, That First Client, which will teach you how to create an effective marketing system that will always attract clients to your business
My book, Loud Woman, which will inspire you to get Louder in your life and business
Check out my latest blog post about marketing, getting clients, and the Law of Attraction
Virtual Networkers, my global online networking organization for women entrepreneurs
Get More Clients Track, a year-long program that will teach you how the fundamentals of marketing so you’re always attracting clients
Manifest More Clients Track, a year-long program that will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction in your marketing
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