You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

Who knew my No Zoom July would offer up so many valuable lessons for my business and life? 

I reflected recently on what I learned, and now I want to share these insights with you. My hope is that these lessons will inspire you in your own journey toward better time management, productivity, and self-care as a woman entrepreneur.

I’ve distilled my experience into five key lessons, which I’ll outline in this blog post. Whether you’re considering a Zoom break or looking to make other changes in your business, I hope these lessons resonate with you and offer guidance along the way.



In July, I took on a challenge that seemed almost impossible for someone who runs a virtual networking organization—No Zoom for an entire month. What began as an experiment in reclaiming time and energy turned into a transformative experience that reshaped not just how I network, but how I run my business and live my life. Here’s what I learned and how I’m planning to carry these lessons forward.

1. The Power of Uninterrupted Time

Stepping away from Zoom gave me something I deeply yearned for—uninterrupted time to dive into my work as a CEO and founder. Without the constant pull of meetings, I could focus on the core aspects of my business that often get sidelined, like refining marketing strategies, improving client retention, and dreaming big about the future of Virtual Networkers.

But it wasn’t just about ticking off tasks. This time also allowed me to dream—to envision where I want to take my business and how I want to grow as a leader. It was a reminder that as entrepreneurs, we need time to think, reflect, and plan without distraction.

2. Time Blocking: My New Best Friend

One of the most valuable insights from No Zoom July was the importance of time blocking. I realized I don’t need to be on Zoom every day—or even multiple times a week—to be effective. In fact, bundling my Zoom meetings into one or two days has made me more productive and less stressed.

By capping the number of hours I spend on Zoom each week and scheduling meetings in a time block, I’ve created a more efficient workflow. No more scattered onesie meetings throughout the week—I’m all about intentional, concentrated connection time.

3. Exploring New Avenues for Building My Personal Brand

I also started exploring different ways to build my personal brand as a networking expert. I am still brainstorming this strategy, but I love that I had time to dream about it.

4. The Universe Fills the Space

One of the most surprising lessons from No Zoom July was how quickly the Universe fills any space you create. I went into the month thinking I’d have loads of free time, but life had other plans—like my husband’s emergency surgery. It was a powerful reminder that if you leave a blank space on your calendar, something will rush in to fill it.

This experience taught me the importance of setting clear intentions for my time. Moving forward, I’ll be more mindful of how I want to use my No Zoom periods, ensuring that they’re not just free from meetings but filled with purposeful, meaningful activities that align with my goals (and letting the Universe know that I don’t need to fill my open time with unexpected activities!).

5. From No Zoom July to Future No Zoom Times

I’ll be having another four weeks of No Zoom, starting in mid-December. This time, I’ll apply the lessons I’ve learned—bundling meetings, setting intentions, and making room for deep work and personal growth. I’m excited to see what new insights and opportunities this next round will bring.

Final Thoughts

If you’re feeling the fatigue of endless virtual meetings, I encourage you to try your own version of a No Zoom challenge. It’s not just about taking a break from the screen—it’s about reclaiming your time, refocusing your energy, and rediscovering what truly matters in your work and life.


Here are other resources to support your networking journey:

Virtual Networkers: My global virtual networking organization for women entrepreneurs.

Weekly Connect Newsletter: Subscribe for networking and marketing tips, plus the upcoming week’s Virtual Networkers schedule.

Celestial Love Notes: Begin your free subscription to my daily inspirational emails, full of love and empowerment.

My Book, That First Client: Learn how to create an effective marketing system that will always attract clients to your business.

My Book, Loud Woman: Get inspired to be louder in your life and business.