You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

The Imposter Syndrome, also known as the Fraud Factor, creeps up on many women entrepreneurs, and that’s okay—as long as you don’t let it stop you from shining your light.

I struggle with Imposter Syndrome too! And we are not alone. If you read stories about successful people—from Oprah Winfrey to Abby Wambach—you’ll find that they all have experienced Imposter Syndrome, even at the highest levels of their success.

In this blog post, I want to unpack what Imposter Syndrome is, how it shows up in your life, and what you can do to move forward, despite it. I hope this message resonates with you and inspires you to take action, no matter the mind chatter.



Simply put, Imposter Syndrome is the persistent feeling that you’re not worthy, qualified, or competent enough to achieve your goals, despite evidence of your success. The Imposter Syndrome, a disguise used by your Ego, can creep up in many ways:

  • When you feel like you have fewer credentials, less education, or less experience than others
  • When you wonder, “Who do you think you are?” as you dream of doing something BIG
  • When you second-guess why anyone would hire you, be attracted to you, buy your book, or support any other achievement you’re pursuing

Sound familiar? That’s okay! Acknowledge that you’re experiencing it, and then take action anyway.

What to Do About Imposter Syndrome

As I mentioned earlier, all successful people experience Imposter Syndrome. The difference? They choose not to let it dictate their actions. Here’s how they do it:

  • Embrace the discomfort. Growth happens outside the comfort zone, and they know it.
  • Take action, despite the fear. Action dispels doubt and builds confidence.
  • Seek support. Whether through a mentor or a community, they understand the power of talking to someone about their struggles.

Affirmations to Combat Imposter Syndrome

I love affirmations because they interrupt negative patterns and help calm your Ego when it’s leaning into Imposter Syndrome. Here are some affirmations to support you:

  • I am more than enough.
  • The world needs my gifts.
  • I am here to do big things.
  • I am moving forward despite the fear.
  • I am in control of my thoughts and feelings.

Final Thoughts

By now, I hope you understand that experiencing Imposter Syndrome is normal—and it’s okay to keep moving forward anyway. The world needs you and your gifts! Don’t let Imposter Syndrome dim your light.

If you’re looking for a community of women entrepreneurs who will support you whenever Imposter Syndrome rears its head, check out Virtual Networkers. We love helping fellow female founders soar past their feelings of fraud. Come to one of our meetings and experience the magic yourself.


Here are other resources to support your networking journey:

Virtual Networkers: My global virtual networking organization for women entrepreneurs.

Weekly Connect Newsletter: Subscribe for networking and marketing tips, plus the upcoming week’s Virtual Networkers schedule.

Celestial Love Notes: Begin your free subscription to my daily inspirational emails, full of love and empowerment.

My Book, That First Client: Learn how to create an effective marketing system that will always attract clients to your business.

My Book, Loud Woman: Get inspired to be louder in your life and business.