You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers


You Are Not Behind

Hear this and know: You are not behind. You are not behind in your marketing. You are not behind in your earnings. You are not behind with modules from a course you bought. You are, in fact, exactly where you need to be. A common Ego accusation that plays in female...

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Book Review: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks is a popular book for advancing entrepreneurs because it calls out what stops us from growing: Our upper limit problem. We all have an upper limit problem. I equate it to banging your head on the ceiling. You try to ascend to your next...

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You Are Meant To Succeed

It may not look like it now, but you are meant to succeed. Let’s face it: Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. Rejection, income dips, marketing flops, a lack of support at home – these are all things that can make you feel less than successful. These...

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How I Take A Week Off Every Month

I take a week off every month – sometimes even more than a week. I talked about this a little while ago during a Facebook Live (see below), and I got additional questions from my community. So, I thought it would serve you more if I delved a little deeper into this...

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37 Ways To Increase Your Visibility

One of the most important goals of your marketing is to constantly increase your visibility. Chances are – if you’ve done everything to promote your business, and you still aren’t attracting clients, then you have a visibility problem. You have probably heard of the...

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Using the 55×5 Manifestation Method For Your Business

Using the 55×5 Manifestation Method For Your Business

The 55x5 manifestation method is an amazing Law of Attraction tool that you can use to achieve whatever you desire in your business. While the 55x5 manifestation method is usually used for one’s personal life, it’s a fantastic for business too. For example, I love to...

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No More Excuses! It’s Time To Make Videos.

Dear entrepreneur, it’s time to push past your excuses. It’s time to make videos for your marketing! If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you would rather get a root canal than make a video, but trust me, making a video is a lot less painful. Our Egos love to create...

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Get More Clients Using The Law of Attraction

If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur, you may be wondering how to use the Law of Attraction to get more clients. I can tell you from first-hand experience: The Law of Attraction and Client Attraction go together like peanut butter and jelly! It’s a matter of knowing how...

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