You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers


34 Ideas For Establishing Yourself As A Thought Leader

34 Ideas For Establishing Yourself As A Thought Leader

You are a future thought leader. You may not believe it right now, maybe even protesting by saying “I’m just an expert!” Yes, you are an expert, but you have a realistic opportunity to emerge as a thought leader, too. Here’s how I define thought leader: A thought...

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How To Get Loud With Your Marketing

2020 is the Year of Loud Women, and for female entrepreneurs, this means it is time get loud with your marketing. What exactly does “loud marketing” mean, though? What I mean by loud, in terms of marketing, is to increase your visibility in front of your ideal...

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Increasing Your Visibility As An Introvert

Does it feel like increased visibility and being an introvert don’t mix? Does it feel like to be more visible you have to be more extroverted? Fellow introverts, I have good news for you… You can increase your visibility as an introvert – and not burn out in the...

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Why You Need To Get Loud in 2020

I’ve declared 2020 as the “Year of Loud Women,” and in this week’s marketing strategy, I will explain why you need to get loud in 2020. “Loud” may have a negative connotation, and certain loud things can be annoying. However, I am not talking about annoying loud...

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37 Ways To Increase Your Visibility

One of the most important goals of your marketing is to constantly increase your visibility. Chances are – if you’ve done everything to promote your business, and you still aren’t attracting clients, then you have a visibility problem. You have probably heard of the...

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How To Figure Out Why Your Marketing Is Not Working

Do you have trouble figuring out why your marketing is not working? As I’ve coached solopreneurs, this comes up time and time again, and understandably, it’s a source of major frustration. You are networking, writing emails, managing a Facebook group, posting to...

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Sales Is A Numbers Game

When I first started my coaching practice, I received a piece of valuable advice from a business coach: “Sales is a numbers game.” I will never forget when she told me this nugget of wisdom. First, it showed me that I can’t just wave a magic wand and customers would...

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