You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

Congratulations to Christin Bjergbakke! She is our “Sister of the Month” for Celestial University!

Once a month, we feature one Celestial University student, based on her participation, implementation, and exemplary spirit!

Be sure to check out Christin’s website and social media channels:



Why did you start your business?

To spend my days doing things I love and create the life of my dreams.

Who are your ideal clients? Who do you heal or help?

My ideal client is ready to take charge of her life and let go of the blame game. I help women ready to embrace their own divinity and step forward in trust. Typically clients have a spiritual need to understand why certain events have occurred in their life and how to move forward from there.

How do you help your ideal clients?

I guide women on how to stay centered in the heart and merge their soulful essence to life on Earth by unlocking the wisdom they carry within.

I work with my international clientele of women through Zoom sessions including my specific version of soul coaching, direct channeling from a team of ascended masters, guided meditations, distant healing, and personal recommendations.

By this, clients are shown how to integrate a daily spiritual practice including how to connect with their Spirit guides to live a life with more trust, light and abundance.

What’s been your biggest accomplishment in the past six months?

I upgraded the description of my ideal client, managed to stay on this new track, and manifested a continued raise in clients and students to a level that doubled my income for three months in a row.

What do you love the most about Celestial University?

First of all, I love the sense of being among friends. Second, Jill manages to always teach me something new or remind me of something I had forgotten in connection with my business and how to move forward.

Why have you remained a member of Celestial University?

Besides my above reasons, the continued possibility of networking with other members.

How would you describe your business, marketing, and/or mindset before joining Celestial University?

No idea what I was doing and how to continue from there. I had a constant bad conscious of not doing “enough” in promoting my business and slightly stressed by the thought of missing out on something.

How would you describe your business, marketing, and/or mindset now that you’re a part of Celestial University?

I’m much more confident on how to promote myself. My business has kept growing and I know where to look if I need inspiration on how to perform specific marketing actions. Following my fellow Celestial sisters on social media also provides me with a steady inspiration on how to carry on myself.


Are you ready to join Celestial University’s sacred sisterhood? If you’re a spiritually minded, change-making female entrepreneur, you will love Celestial University. From our monthly classes to productive Study Halls, you will find that Celestial University will give you exactly what you need to transform your business (and your mindset).

Please click here to learn more about how Celestial University can help you transform – and take flight.