You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

Congratulations to Christin Bjergbakke from The Usher Channeler. She is our “Sister of the Month” in The Celestial Circle!

Once a month, I feature one member of The Celestial Circle, based on her participation, implementation, and exemplary spirit!

Christin is a phenomenal lightworker who helps others find a balance in their lives by connecting to their inner light.

Be sure to check out Christin’s website and social media channels:


Christin Bjergbakke Sister of the Month for The Celestial Circle

Meet Christin Bjergbakke

Briefly describe how you help people through your business.

I assist people in finding balance in their life, by connecting them to their inner light. With the assistance of my team of ascended masters, I translate the obstructions and challenges to teachings and insights that can lead my client to a life of joy, abundance, and love.

Who are your ideal clients? Who do you heal or help?

My ideal client is ready to make changes and take full responsibility for his or her life. It is when we stop blaming others for our misfortune and start to move forward on our own path, that miracles can happen. I help people in search of direction on how to open the doors to the wisdom of their soul.

Perhaps you are looking for answers or you wonder what is holding you back. You know there is more to life than this, but have issues in clearing the fog that blurs your vision. You accept that your soul is here on a learning journey, and perhaps you have begun to understand, that you have access to all answers from within.

How do you help people?

I offer online Soul Coaching in single sessions or three-month programs, as well as 1:1 sessions in my clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Soul Coaching is co-created with my team of ascended masters and angels, and consists of spiritual coaching, channeling, guided meditation and chakra balancing among other tools. During the process of creating the Soul Coaching sessions, my first book Channeled Messages of Love and Light emerged and is now available on Amazon.

The teachings of the book offers insight from Spirit, as to the challenges of being human in this time of life on Earth. The channeled messages can help the reader to let go of fear and anger, and move forward toward more light and happiness. This wisdom also forms the basic teachings of the Soul Coaching program.

What is your typical day like?

A typical day for me starts out with a quiet cup of coffee in my favourite chair with the cat laying next to me. Then I do morning meditation, followed by journaling and channeling. For the Soul Coaching programs, I prepare the online sessions in advance by connecting to my team of ascended masters and guides, and ask for recommendations for that specific client.

Clients for one-on-one sessions usually come by in the mornings, while online coaching calls are in the afternoon due to the time difference between Europe and the U.S. I can see 2-3 clients a day or three online sessions. Usually my days are a mix of both. On busy days with many clients I will meditate for 5-10 minutes in between, for better focus and to stay connected and grounded.

I often teach classes of Reiki, Chakra Balancing or Past Life Therapy during the weekends. When this is the case, it is important that I clear some space in my calendar during the week for relaxing and rewinding. On these days I enjoy taking long walks in nature or to read romantic novels while listening to music. Meditation, nature, and music are my ways of reloading and keeping balanced.

When my twin teenage daughters are at my place, I stop work early. We cook together, enjoy our dinner, laugh, and talk. I hope to inspire them to create the life of their dreams by showing them mine.

What makes your business so much fun?

It is pure joy to watch a client unfold her full potential and let go of old issues and constrains. I love to see the Light being turned on because the client understands her divine connection to love, joy, and abundance. How lucky I am, to be able to help people becoming the best version of themselves!

Which feature of The Celestial Circle do you like best and why?

Monthly learning topic and Q&A classes are my favourites. The monthly topics often challenge me to try something new or to take a deeper look inside. The Q&A is a great opportunity to get answers on whatever topic I have – and I always enjoy listening to the other sisters’ questions as well – and often get inspired by their topics.

Why did you join The Celestial Circle?

I needed the support from Jill in connection with getting my first book ready for publishing and creating a profile on a new online market, different from my native language. I knew Jill already and had previously enjoyed working with her.

What results have you experienced from being in The Celestial Circle?

I have become more confident in how to launch my book and how to attract a new audience on social media. I have created new Facebook and Instagram accounts, and following the program from the Celestial Circle, I am well ahead in attracting followers on both profiles. I am sure this initial work will provide clients and more online attention in the near future, since my book is being published just now and all my work has lead to this.

From the minute I knew I was going to publish a book, I also knew that Jill could help me with this process – and I was right.

How important is The Celestial Circle community? Other Celestial Circle sisters?

It is such a nice feeling being part of an international community of like-minded women. Running a spiritual independent business can be lonely at some times. In the Celestial Circle, I am among friends. I have connected more closely with some of the sisters and have used these connections to assist me in my work. I have both found my VA, book editor, and layout graphic designer in our group. Instead of looking for assistance from strangers, I know I can trust the other members of The Celestial Circle to be honest and helpful in their work – we are in this together.

What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about joining The Celestial Circle?
If you are an independent business owner and doing most of the work yourself, this is the place to be. You will get access to so much knowledge on marketing and how to run your business from Jill and the other members. Join us for new inspiration, extended networking, and being part of the family. You no longer need to feel all on your own.

If you’re feeling alone in your entrepreneurial journey, I invite you to check out my monthly membership group, The Celestial Circle. Affordable, loving, supportive, informative, and fun – that’s how we roll in The Celestial Circle. We would love to welcome you!

Click here to learn more about The Celestial Circle